Susan is the founder of Away 2 Be. After nineteen years of international travel and facilitation, and almost a decade of teaching in the classroom, Susan realized the most poignant aspect of any experience is relationships.  She started Away 2 Be in order to create meaningful experiences through personal, local and global connections.

Additionally, Susan is the Liaison for La Casa Materna Mary Ann Jackman in Nicaragua, and teaches Global Citizenship and Education for Social Innovation for Taking it Global, based in Toronto. Susan serves as an International Liaison and Consultant for The World Leadership School, an organization focused on leadership, global issues and sustainable, international relationships. Susan has facilitated activities and workshops both in the United States and around the world.  By incorporating global themes and sustainable intercultural practices in all she does, Susan creates opportunities for others to immerse themselves into lives and cultures at home and abroad.  Susan teaches yoga and lives wherever she happens “2 Be”.

My Story



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